Air Bank (CZ) Stability Issues | Air Bank (CZ) Stabilumo Problemos
Incident Report for kevin.
We need to inform you that the previously mentioned issues are gone. If you still encounter problems - please inform us via

Incident duration: 2024-07-25 21:48 - 2024-07-26 01:48 (UTC)


Patvirtiname, kad anksčiau minėtos problemos nebėra pastebimos. Jei vis tiek susiduriate su nesklandumais, praneškite mums el.paštu

Incidento trukmė: 2024-07-25 21:48 - 2024-07-26 01:48 (UTC)
Posted Jul 26, 2024 - 01:48 UTC

We want to inform you that recently we noticed availability issues with Air Bank (CZ). Problems started around 21:48 (UTC). It might affect the payments done via this bank. We are investigating the situation. Sorry for the inconvenience.



Norime informuoti, kad neseniai pastebėjome prieinamumo problemų su Air Bank (CZ). Minimos problemos prasidėjo apie 21:48 (UTC). Tai gali turėti įtakos mokėjimams, atliekamiems per šį banką. Šiuo metu tikriname situaciją. Atsiprašome už nepatogumus.
Posted Jul 25, 2024 - 21:48 UTC
This incident affected: Czech Republic (Air Bank (AIRBANK_CZ)).